Monday, April 11, 2011

NaBloPoMo #11: Perceptions

Monday, April 11, 2011

What three words do you hope other people use to describe you?

Perception is a funny, quirky thing. I perceive myself different than what friends tell me. Let's just say that I auditioned myself for the great play of life....and I didn't get the part! In answering the question above... what 3 words do I hope people describe me? I would hope these three: Spirit--Compassion--Artist. Perceptions of "self " reflect what work we still have left to do. I have a project--that project is to believe in myself, to know I am of worth, that I am loved. The lab work of the project is to devise the method of throwing out the baggage that I have collected along the train ride of my life. I am ready to throw open that train window and toss those heavy, ugly bags out!

How do you see yourself? What 3 words do you hope for?

JOIN HERE: National Blog Posting Month


  1. I'm with ya all the way... hopefully my luggage fits out the window:-)

    Stop in and give my blog a read at The Voices Within Unleashed

  2. Good for you! Dave's sponsor once told him..."it's your kingdom, how are you running it?" and that resonated with me.

    The three words I hope other people use to describe me would be: pretty, smart & nice (JOKING!!!) No really they would be: talented, funny, real

  3. Upinthecosmos-Haha that's funny, I didn't think about my big ugly baggage fitting out the window!! I will just have to put some muscle into it ;-)

  4. Janet- Being a lover of anything medeival, I am loving that "kingdom quote. I didn't realize it, but I must be letting the court jester run my kingdom all these years...
    My words to describe you are: Cute, moxie, artistic :-)
